Скачать Creativemarket - Moody travel lightroom presets (2018)

24 Мар 2018
Moody travel lightroom presets


MOODY TRAVEL Edition Lightroom Presets Pack contains 100 Pro Lightroom Presets meant for Travel & Landscape Photographers Moody, Travel, Vivid, Cool, Dope Tones, Pro Setting, Amazing Effects and much more...
Why is that Pack Good for you?
My Lightroom Presets are specifically designed to create easily unique tones and styles you desire. With the click of a button, you can have a stylized image that evokes an emotional response from viewers. This pack specially designed for Moody Vibes lovers to help them create a certain atmosphere!
That pack gives you all need and much more!
There are some examples where presets are applied!
Features YOU GET:

  • Smart adjustments and professional results
  • Includes simple help file, with a few tips.
  • Enhance your images with just one click!
  • Moody Tones Lightroom Presets
  • Travel Lightroom Presets
  • Color Pop Tones
  • Atmospheric Lightroom Presets
  • all presets designed in a way you can simply make adjustments
  • create your own styles
  • and much more


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